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Published on 6/29/2024

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2024 Official SS Class Association

Race Schedule



Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Smith’s Point Race to “Pow Wow Point”

@ Shinnecock Yacht Club

Race Start: 11:00 AM

Skipper’s Meeting: 10:00 AM


Saturday, July 20th, 2024

Atwater Trophy Race

@ Westhampton Yacht Squadron

Race Start: 11:00 AM

Skipper’s Meeting: 10:00 AM


Saturday, August 10th, 2024

Horton Trophy Race

@ Shinnecock Yacht Club

Race Start: 1:00 PM

Skipper’s Meeting: 12:00 PM


Saturday, August 31st, 2024

Dudley Trophy Race

@ Westhampton Yacht Squadron

Race Start: 11:00 AM

Skipper’s Meeting: 10:00 AM

SSCA Annual Meeting: 4:00 PM




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